Hamazkayin secures the future of Armenian education in the Diaspora.
To remedy the need for professional educators of Armenian studies in the Diaspora, The Central Executive Board of Hamazkayin established an academic program, whereby the candidates earn an MA degree in Armenological studies at Yerevan State University. All expenses of enrolled students, including tuition, are paid by the Hamazkayin Central Executive Board. Applications are accepted from the entire Armenian Diaspora. Prerequisite for acceptance in the MA program at the Yerevan State University’s Armenological Department are a BA degree and a Teaching Certificate or License.
All graduates are expected to teach Armenian language and literature, Armenian history, for a minimum of seven years at a school designated by the Hamazkayin Central Executive.
We are glad to report that our graduates are serving in various Armenian communities and are making valuable contributions in spheres of national education and upbringing. Currently, such educators work in various schools in Marseille, Nicosia, and Beirut. Sponsored students continue their education at Yerevan State and Haigazian Universities.
The need for teachers of Armenological subjects within the Diasporan schools grows by the day. This program ensures the continuity and professional level of Armenian national education for successive generations of Diasporan Armenian children and youth.
With your generous contribution, Hamazkayin will be able to maintain this essential program, currently threatened by the financial and economic turmoil in Lebanon. Your financial help is your direct participation in the sacred cause of perpetuation of Armenian nationalism among the youth in the Diaspora.